Contact form to book sessions

Before you book sessions as offered:

Two hands sharing a red heart, alternative

Last updated and valid from: 2023 July 1st

The healing work serves exclusively to support and strengthen the self-healing powers of the body and consciousness. VortexHealing is not a substitute for medical, psychological or therapeutic treatment. Conversations in connection with the healing work are not medical diagnoses, but are to be understood as life assistance and spiritual coaching.

  1. Please make sure you know enough about VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing before booking. If you intend session/s as a gift to someone else, I´d like to know that that person knows what s/he is about to receive. (Check this site, and/or
  2. The prices and other details to the sessions can be found at the page Booking & Prices.
  3. Send some lines on your interest in VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing (email or contact form) – please state what format of session/s you´re interested in and if you look for specific issue/s to be healed (as VortexHealing can support healing for a lot, but not for everything).
  4. My first email has some Rules of the Game (like this page) and instructions for payment.
  5. Your payment follows.
  6. Please also fill in and return the ONE-page Agreement Responsibility (PDF), and in case you book several sessions, also the 3-page Questionnaire (PDFs to be found in the Download area: Resources.)
  7. We´ll then schedule a combined pre-session talk (about you and the content from your questionnaire) and a first healing session. This makes the first meeting a bit longer than the following “sessions only”. We can then also plan the following sessions, typically one a week.
  8. The Session/s.
  9. Feedback, outlook and how to proceed on.

In case you´re insecure about booking VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, I offer a coaching talk (at a reduced price of € 47.-) upon this issue. Please state so in your email.

You´re warmly welcome!
Please contact me using the Contact Form Booking
or the information in the black and white picture.

Please fill in and send

Yes, I'd like to book the following -*

I look forward to your message.

How did you hear about this site?
Please add 6 and 1.

Remember: all you need to do is to receive and relax
