The immune system is complex
The immune system is complex. An unhealthy lifestyle may not be able to maintain the positive effects of this energy healing. Therefore please take care of your immune system, e.g. by proper nutrition, exercise, dietary supplements, less alcohol and nicotine, sleep and relaxation and by drinking enough water. There is also no guarantee for certain (expected & hoped for) results, as the healing occur "outside" of our mental concepts of good&bad.
(GERMAN speakers! You´ll find some tips in this "Kurzanleitung Immunsystem stärken" (PDF): Resources.)
One shorter laser focused session for € 97.-

If you are currently suffering from an acute illness, you will probably need more than one session. Please have a look at the offer with three sessions (below).
Would you like to have your Immune System boosted? Please read about what VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is about in general and what it can do for you (besides ImmuneBoost) - and what not. This offer is ONE approx. 60 minutes remote session (phone, Zoom) with ~50 minutes of active VortexHealing, for the price of € 97,- (normally € 133.-).
An offer for you - Boosting the Immune System with VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing. Possible healing effects:
- Freer breathing
- Smell and taste returning (after Covid)
- (immediate) relief of current complaints, such as pain
- A "stuck" illness (like a hanging cold) gets activated to heal
- Please read more here: Testimonials
Three full sessions - only € 277.-

Boosting the Immune System - deeply - with VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing
Deep ImmuneBoost - done at a distance to wherever you are on the planet.
Most of my clients in the past came for VortexHealing to get support with rather psycho-spiritual issues, and to deepen meditation and awakening. The intention to also heal relevant aspects of the physical body is always part of VortexHealing, but it was not the main focus. In mid-March 2020 we Vortex Healers received a new tool, the ImmuneBoost, as an answer to the spreading corona virus. With Covid-19 the body, its functions and its health has moved into focus. The ability to fight off infections and to recover when a pathogen has entered the body system has become a big part in the healing work.
An offer for you – Boosting the Immune System - deeply - with VortexHealing®
Channeled energy / information can strengthen the immune system considerably. We also focus on possible half-hidden, low-level existing infections in your body (viruses, bacteria, parasites and/or fungi).
If your are currently acutely ill, that will be the focus of the healing sessions.
This offer of THREE sessions is an extended personalized deepening of the “ImmuneBoost”-special ONE shorter session (also offered on this page). You are welcome to receive these targeted VortexHealing® sessions for your Immune System and any Infections (active or low level). All you need to do is relax and receive!
It works well from a distance to wherever you are on the planet.
Please read what VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is all about in general and what it can do for you besides boosting your Immune System - and what it can not do. This offer includes THREE full remote sessions (via phone or Zoom to any place on earth) of each ~70 minutes, with 60 min of active VortexHealing and a short evaluation & feedback talk, at a price of € 277.- (normally € 297.-).
An offer for you - Boosting the Immune System - deeply - with VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing
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Same but different?
The difference between these price reduces offers and if you book (three) full session/s, are the intake and evaluation talks. A full & careful getting to know you in detail, which is very helpful when dealing with a variety of issues, ailments and potential causes, takes between 20 and 40 minutes and includes a three page Questionnaire. All this is extra time outside the actual active Divine Energy Healing. Also the pre-talks and evaluation / feedback talks after each session typically take up more time.
All this is not part of the "A taste of ...” offers, and the “ImmuneBoost” offers (like on this page), since these are already specified what the session/s will be about. These offers go more directly into the actual channeling of the Divine Energy Healing and has less talking. All sessions are of course always still tailor made for you.