The training to become a VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing Practitioner

The training to become a Vortex Healer goes through a gradual deepening of healing capacity.
Presently it takes something like 5 years (and mostly more) to reach the highest capacity, as it is accompanied by enormous inner re-shaping and transformation of the healer her-/himself. My training started in 2018. I am currently a VortexHealing® Practitioner at the level of Manifesting Intention. I also work with Angelic Heart (1+2+3+4) and Presence, can clear the Kundalini channel for you, work with Genetics and offer basic EarthWorks (as of summer 2023).
Why "VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing - the Merlin lineage"? Please check this page: More: Divine Energy Healing
The most transforming 10 minutes of my life!
My journey with VortexHealing started spectacular.
We were some 40 people on a Zoom call. I had joined rather by coincidence and didn't know anything about VortexHealing. Actually, at that time my thinking on Energy Healing was that is was some kind of esoteric mumbo-jumbo ... maybe nice as a spiritual wellness thing, but not anything more.
But boy oh boy, would this call change my life!
The founder, Ric Weinman, had talked about VortexHealing for an hour. He offered to do a 10 minutes healing with us. After some time he said: “Some of you will soon feel a strong energy”.
I had time to think: “There´s nothing happening, what is he talking about ...”, as behind the center of my forehead, in the middle of the brain´s neocortex area, in the third eye or six chakra (however you think of this) started to turn and swirl. The movement speeded up like the spinning in a washing machine. As it subsided, I guess after 15 seconds, I had to catch my breath like I had been sprinting for my life.
A few minutes later, he announced a second "go" of energy. This time though, the energy would be stronger.
Again some seconds passed, and again that center behind the forehead area spun and kind of exploded.
I was scared.
After the session I lay on my bed for hours. Quite blissful, beautiful but I was also deeply bewildered: “What the h*ck was that?”
Over the coming weeks the central personality thought of "I" sweetly moved and took up a second home in my heart. Since then there is a background loving detached quality to basically everything. Since then I am also getting as much training in VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing as I can.
I have a growing practice of satisfied, some deeply satisfied, clients since the spring of 2019. Mostly the healing is done at a distance. So wherever you are, you can receive it.

P. Ola Jannhov
Transition Coach & Healer
I´m a Transition Coach & Healer (and a former DJ).
VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing changed my life in just 10 minutes – an authentic turn for true spiritual unfoldment.
As VortexHealing came into my life and revolutionized it (after over 35 years of spiritual-therapeutic search), a lot changed quickly:
- Joy returning
- Returned sense of meaning & direction
- Freedom from deep and strongly limiting believes
- Healing and integration of issues – also of stuff I didn't even know about
- Mediation has become a regular and persistent dropping into stillness and awakening
- Wonderful tool for self-healing
- Giving sessions is just great!
- I guess I could write a book .. there is so much to tell.
To check my educational and work background, please click (or scroll down)
The underlying theme of my life seems be that of a spiritual path with transpersonal evolution.
The person in the world, who people meet, calls himself a Transition Coach, Healer (and a former DJ).
Where this outer and the inner meet, where you and I meet, is symbolized by the logo with the text:
I delight Your transitions - Move with Joy to Liberate
To delight transitions means that I as delightfully as possible support in times of evolution and transformation, to make your changeovers joyous, light and easy.
Accordingly, as a DJ, my specialty has been transitional events; one time events like weddings & the birthdays with a "0"; and for companies the events like new openings and major anniversaries (and not so much the yearly occurring Xmas party).

Thereby I make you Move with Joy to Liberate. Liberation at a party simply means to feel good, free and have an awesomely great time.
Liberation through the Divine Healing work of VortexHealing®, and in spiritual contexts, hints at different, further-reaching freedom, doesn't it?
I delight Your transitions & Move with Joy to Liberate together form my credo and this is what you can expect, as the core content of any of my activities.

I delight Your transitions & Move with Joy to Liberate together form my credo
and this is what you can expect, as the core content of any of my work.
It took decades to find a fitting symbol / logo. Similar to the zen circle, it's an open loop. It's a Moebius ribbon (with it's playful magic) and a symbol of the infinite. Further it can bee seen as a moving "propeller" when the extremes and opposites of the dual are let free ... do you see the latent energy? And, of course, forgetting one's shoe laces can be deadly serious, so the logo also reminds us to tie them.
Read on here More: Ola
P. Ola Jannhov, born in Sweden, based in Berlin
Ola´s life story short

I have always “enlightened and delighted transitions”, both to friends and professionally.
I have 35 years of life experience with various spiritual paths, schools of mediation, progressive therapy and transformational methods. I trained with some of the world leaders in these fields.
I worked professionally with dance therapy and meditation for seven years. I was on my way to become a therapeutic sex counselor, when I realized, I simply do not want to work with the heaviness of people´s problems.
Music and dancing
Music and dancing were my first big loves. I made the leap from serious therapeutic practice to entertainment. Since 1999 I've acted as a DJ, stage & event presenter and speaker, with around 200.000 people who have danced to the music I dj, or at parties I've put into the world. I have ~470 happy high class castle wedding parties to account for, and some 330 business events, including specific German Swedish events for IKEA. Add several hundreds of mixed other DJ & Presenting gigs for private, companies, institutions and Sweden officially to that.
This part of my life experienced a full stop in the Corona year 2020 .. but the page is still there: DJ Ola (in German).
Energy Healing Wizard
With VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing I get to play with energies in yet another fabulous way. The title Wizard is there to rattle your mind a bit.
Education, Training
Basic stations through life
- Born 1964, in Lund, Sweden
- Technical gymnasium 1980 - 1984, simplified engineering degree in electronics and computer construction
- Designed and built Hi-Fi electronics, "things that made sounds" and invented a sound sampler (Yamaha brought their first model to the market simultaneously)
- Military service 1984, specialized in technical problem solving in complex communication facilities
- 1990 moved to Germany. I've lived in Berlin, Bielefeld, Cologne, Potsdam and now just southwest of Berlin
University (I´ve been to three and have no formal degree)
- General cultural science, sociology and history at the university of Lund, Sweden, 1985 - 1988
- Social and business communications at the "Universität der Künste" (university of arts), Berlin, 1993 - 1994
- Therapeutic training, specialized in sex counseling at a private, international university in the Netherlands called "the Humaniversity", 1996 -1999
Other, more classically formal trainings
- Training in cultural marketing and management, Akademie für Kultur und Bildung, Berlin, 1994 - 1995
- Internship, managing assistant at One World Verlag, Berlin, 1995
- Business school and coaching training, Sage Innovations, Munich, Cologne, 2003 - 2004
Theater and stage performance
- Joined "Lilla teatern", Lund in 1985 (were e.g. Max von Sydow started his career)
- Basic actors training, basic acrobatic training
- Worked with rhythm and experimental voice expression
- Directed and trained, very pleased to have helped a young woman into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London
- Cultural exchange (theater) of 15 Swedes and 15 Bulgarians (Lund and Novi Pazar) 1987-1988. Played in Novi Pazar 1987.
- Played loads of serious theater and light entertainment
Other, less formal trainings
- Certified as dance meditation and dance therapeutic process facilitator, trainings in Denmark and India 1986 - 1991 (worked with this for 7 years)
- Certified Vivation facilitator, training in Berlin 1992 - 1995 (the basic concept of "integration of anything appearing" will always be part of anything I do)
- Certified Humaniversity AUM and other Social Meditations leader, since 1996
- Landmark Education, the full curriculum, Frankfurt am Main, 2001 - 2002
- Loads of assisting and co leading in seminars of others in various forms of personal growth, including tantra, since 1990
Lifestyle choices & my learning experiences out of them
- Essential simplicity
- I never really stepped into the rat race
- I'm more into being than having
- Meaningful doing seem to be the bridge between necessary having and essential being
- Sometimes this bridge is as thin as a tightrope and my life is about keeping the balance. This act of life balance is then like practicing spiritual trust in everyday life
- My vocation is that of Joy, to enlighten and delight the transitions people have in their lives
- My favorite parties to dj at, are weddings cause that's such a beautiful transition
- I delight transitions Midlife. Letting go of the unnecessary might be less about stuff and more about habits and believes. It's more about freeing up the inner clutter
- I live in a simple house in the forest, but close enough to Berlin to have the goodies both of nature and the big city
Native Speaker / Voice talent Swedish
My voice has been used professionally since 2003. Please visit my native speaker site Swedish Male Voice.
Since the age of 15 I knew I wanted to do "my thing" but for many years I found it hard to get to the very point of WHAT exactly.
Work wise I found "my first real thing" in 1999 as I decided to go for entertainment in general and DJ:ing specifically
- I set up Colognes first smoke free and alternative disco "TanzSpass" in 2000
It´s still rocking! (Bare foot boogie like, that you might know from the US.) Please visit TanzSpass Köln - In 2004 stage entertainment & event presenting was added
- Since 1999 I've played at way beyond a thousand parties: weddings, birthdays, companies, television, city events .. the list is long. Please visit my DJ site DJ Ola
- Presentation. I´m a pretty decent live stage presenter and have officially presented Sweden in the field of tourism. Please visit my DJ site DJ Ola
My catalog of "jobs for a living" is wide: newspaper man, hospital worker, bus driver, street market salesman ... I probably have forgotten some.
Some more important occupations before my "real" self employment as a Dj and presenter kicked in (as above)
- Administration and running the office of Lilla Teatern, Lund, 1987 - 1988
- Translating from English and German to Swedish, 1990 - 1991, 1997
- Stage design, theater technician, Lund 1989, Side in Turkey 1991
- Teaching Swedish in Berlin 1992 - 1994
- Software Sidoun, the company world of architecture and constructional engineering 1994 - 1996
- Sales of golf equipment in 2000
Some unique aspects and results in and for the world
- Formal education in three countries
- Been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio and television (and in one book) around movements, initiatives, events and parties I answer for, since my early 20s
- Decades of professional DJ:ing, mainly in Germany but I've also played in Sweden, the Netherlands and California (since 1999)
- Around 200.000 people have danced to the music I dj, or at parties I've put into the world
- Brought Lunchbeat to Berlin in 2012. This included Reuters making a feature and Oprah Winfrey later reported on the phenomena of once a month going dancing in your lunch-break. We were in all major German news magazines, radio and television, under the headline of “cool work life balance”
- Initiated a David Bowie RIP party that still is memorable to guests and to us artists that were on stage.
- Gave my first personal growth workshop with 23, the youngest participants was 40
- Taught Dance Mediation and Therapy for seven years (80s, 90s)
- Been leading active, social and silent meditations for 15 years
- Worked two years in a quite progressive German software company, that e.g. had a 30 minutes common mediation slot before lunch (90s)
- Central presenter / speaker at Secret of Tantra´s bi-annual festivals 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017
- Presenter at the Integral European Conference “Allies of Evolution” 2018, with “Integral Dance of Life”
Personal qualities
- Fluent in three languages
- Lived in three countries, worked in five, and have worked with and for around 20 nationalities
- Bridges cultural understanding
- Advanced and progressive thinker
- Humor
- Dancer
- Natural outdoors guy
- Swedishness (which is a huge asset in Germany)
Some links to friends and people, whose work I enjoy
Enjoy visiting
- The official VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing site " a holistic system of multi-dimensional healing & inner awakening."
- [Still in the making here and there] *Natural Liberation* - Ola's blog & podcast (& some great music)
- Terri O´Fallon - taking the Integral Theory to the next level
- Stina Deurell's "Wider Embraces" - Collective Perspectives - Unconditional Belonging
- Peter Merry´s "Volution Theory"
- Introduction talk on VortexHealing, recorded 2012 with VH teacher Anthony Gorman
- .. more to come