- We did 17 events in 2020
- in 2021 it was another 17 events
- and in 2022 eight events
- In 2023 - six events
- in 2024 - twelve events
Open (and partly free, see below) Healing events in a group online, are offered every now and then, mostly on Saturdays. Please sign up for the Newsletter to get invited.
Channeled energy can work to strengthen and boost your overall system. You are warmly welcome to join and receive. All you need to do is to relax and receive!
A few words from people who joined - these results are from these online group events only - pretty amazing, isn't it?
"I am often too "out of it" at the end of the sessions to express my gratitude to you for doing them. I find them very relaxing, deeply healing, and also deepening my spiritual understanding." | "I have to say, my back pain is so much better! This is amazing!" | "The energy field around me became stronger and stronger - or I could perceive it stronger - and then I felt like I was wrapped up in it. ... that it was good for all organs. At the moment I am still an awake observer. And my energy vibration I feel clearly higher than normally ..." |
Saturdays, time is CET (Central European Time).
How to join? Please sign up for my newsletter and you get invited.
ONE time participating is for Free. Then there is a small fee of ~€ 10, paid as a package in advance. I can send you the details after your first and free Group Healing.
If you sign up just a few days ahead of the next scheduled event, please also send me a direct email - all to the right (or down below if you´re on a mobile phone).
My personal thoughts to this offer are:
- It´s an easy way for potential clients to get a taste of VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing – for free.
- It´s an easy way for those who really can not afford sessions, to get some healing - at a very low price.
- It´s a nice way to spend time healing and nourishing, with fellow Vortex Healers & clients (both former and present).
- It simply just feels good!.
Immune system
During the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic brought the Immune system into focus. We did several months of intense work on this.
If this is your interest, or if your are currently ill, or you like to make sure that your Immune System is cared for in depth, I suggest you look at these individual sessions, with one shorter or three full sessions: ImmuneBoost. It works well from a distance to wherever you are on the planet.
Sign up for my newsletter
To stay in touch, to get invitations for the open online healing events, to get special offers & deals