Paid Small Group series of healing events 2024

These Small Group series of healing events are each focused on a specific issue. There is space for 5 to max 9 people in each series (for each healing topic).
Each series offers 6 healing events, over about 3 weeks. So two events each week, see schedule below.
My plan for the Winter and Spring of 2024 are .. well let's start with one topic.
- Magic of New Beginnings (starts Sunday the 4th of February 2024)
- ## to be announced ## (starts early March 2024)
- ## to be annunced ## (starts in April 2024)
Each series / one topic, costs € 147.- (equals Euros 24,50 for each event). There will be no partial payment, and no refunds. If you have any doubt about joining, I suggest you first visit Open Healing events.
Please make sure you are on my email list, since I will do some of the administration work over group emails. I use Zoom for the healing events. There will also be a Messenger service (Signal*) for communication within the group, between group members and between the 6 healing events.
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Magic of New Beginnings
Starts Sunday the 4th of February 2024

This Paid Small Group series of healing events will focus on the Magic of New Beginnings.
After over 32 years in Germany I’ve just moved back to the country where I grew up and lived until age ~27. I’ll be 60 in March. Sweden is not anymore Sweden of 1990. And I get to experience many many New Beginnings.
I’ve come to realize that I can meet all this New as tough challengers, as hardships, as problems.
And I can let some Magic in, and adventures might happen.
But it’s a grownup adventure, meaning I bring all my life experience, and expectation with me.
more text to come
There is space for 5 to max 9 people. We'll meet at 8 pm CET (20U MEZ) for about 90 minutes. The schedule for the 6 healing events is:
- Sunday the 4th of Feb
- Wednesday the 7th of Feb
- Sunday the 11th of Feb
- Wednesday the 14th of Feb
- Sunday the 18th of Feb
- Wednesday the 21st of Feb
The cost is € 147.- (equals Euros 24,50 for each event). There will be no partial payment, and no refunds.
To join, please read the section "Practicalities for all the series" on this page.
## to be announced ## (starts early March 2024)
## to be annunced ## (starts in April 2024)
Practicalities for all the series (on this page)
Given that there is space for 5 to max 9 people, your slot will be guarantied after the following steps:
- Please send an email with your interest to join. Or use the form here Contact Form Booking.
- I'll answer back and ask you to fill out the one-page Agreement Responsibility Client (to be found here Resources) and you'll please return it promptly.
- You'll also do the payment of € 147.- (no partial payment, and no refunds and the details will be in the email from me to you).
- Then you will get the details to the first Zoom meetup (date above for the topic you've picked), and the Group Healing starts!
If you cannot be in one of the six Zoom healing events, you will still be included in the healing. But there will be more than just the pure VortexHealing healing happening, so I strongly recommend you only book any of these three series, if you think you can be there for all six healing events.
Please make sure you are on my email list, since I will do some of the administration work over group emails. There will be a Messenger service (Signal*) for communication within the group, between group members and between the 6 healing events.
If this will be your very first meting with VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, I suggest you have a look at Booking & Prices, and on that page please scoll down to "Good to know details BEFORE booking" and "Practical details before and after booking"
If you have any doubt about joining, I suggest you first visit Open Healing events.
intuited information - healing - confirmation - support & more
Remember: all you need to do is to receive and relax
Messanger Service
Signal is an app, similar to WhatsApp and Telegram. It’s also available for laptops and computers, both Mac and PC.
I’ve decided to use Signal as a Messenger. Some people have troubles with WhatsApp, belonging to META / Facebook. Some people have problems with Telegram, belong to “no one really knows”. Signal both have a much more neutral and known ownership, and it is presently considered one of the more private and safer Messengers. It also has less technical overhead.
The events of 20223, for reference
Support for better Memory with some Prevention of Dementia
Starts Sunday the 10th of September 2023

This Paid Small Group series of healing events will focus on Support for better Memory with some Prevention of Dementia.
What you will get:
Optimization of your energy system, especially focused on memory (low energy brings stagnation, and then the memory gets stuck, less accessible).
Release of core believes and identifications around aging and memory (included are changes that comes with expanded consciousness / awakening).
Release of traumas influencing healthy functioning memory.
Release of some core incarnational and karmic issues around aging and memory.
Some improvement on biological and bio-chemical aspects (BUT this can be done much deeper in one-on-one sessions).
Attunement to a more divine connection, to remember what is worth remembering.
There is space for 5 to max 9 people. We'll meet at 8 pm CET (20U MEZ) for about 90 minutes. The schedule for the 6 healing events is:
- Sunday the 10th of Sep
- Wednesday the 13th of Sep
- Sunday the 17th of Sep
- Wednesday the 20th of Sep
- Sunday the 24th of Sep
- Wednesday the 27th of Sep
- This is a possible event. During the previous six healing events, it might get clear that to do one more is good. Or maybe we don't need it. We will see.
The cost is € 97.- (equals ~17.- for each event). There will be no partial payment, and no refunds.
To join, please read the section "Practicalities for all the series" on this page.
The Hidden and Forbidden of Sexuality
Starts Sunday the 22nd of October 2023

This Paid Small Group series of healing events will focus on The Hidden and Forbidden of Sexuality.
This healing series is about clearing, releasing and transforming emotional charges and hangups, identifications and beliefs. Both stuff you know about, but also deeper truly hidden stuff.
I offer energy and information healing work only, so there is no sexual activity involved. The series is open to people both with active and not active sexuality.
To participate you do not need to know and/or be able to identify any of the below mentioned examples. It’s perfectly ok to just have a vague sensation of something not being ok.
Identification and Beliefs:
Examples are: ideas and concepts around how and who I am. How am I supposed to be sexually? How should I be, behave. How should I not be, who am I not allowed to be .. as a man, as a woman, as transgender ...
We will also work on four major feelings / emotions:
- Fear
- Shame
- Anger
- Guilt
Some examples of Fear, Shame, Anger and Guilt people might have:
not being good enough, being too much, not being able to, not getting satisfied or not be satisfying, being too young, being too old, being too skinny, or being too overweight, not being attractive (enough). Fears of attracting wrong people .. Shame of certain desires, shame of not wanting anymore or shame of not wanting with the one you’re supposed to want with. Anger of other people coming on too strong. Anger at rape and (emotional) castration. Anger, but maybe also envy of how other people are enjoying sexuality.
All of these, and more can also have Guilt involved.
There is space for 5 to max 9 people. We'll meet at 8 pm CET (20U MEZ) for about 90 minutes. The schedule for the 6 healing events is:
- Sunday the 22nd of Oct
- Wednesday the 25th of Oct
- Sunday the 29th of Oct
- Wednesday the 1st of Nov
- MONDAY the 6th of Nov
- Wednesday the 8th of Nov
The cost is € 97.- (equals ~17.- for each event). There will be no partial payment, and no refunds.
To join, please read the section "Practicalities for all the series" on this page.
Integration, Reflection and Meditation
Starts Wednesday the 29th November 2023

This Paid Small Group series of healing events will focus on Integration, Reflection and Meditation (special price available*). The Group might have more than 9 participants.
Integration – whenever there is change, integration is needed or we stay raw, edgy, touchy, out of balance, kind of strange. The year 2023 has brought great change, both for some of my clients, as the world at large. Some people even ask, are we on our way into a third world war? Now, wherever you stand on this “the bigger world picture”, the idea is to “integrate 2023”, and to bring you to a new level of normality, where you through this integration can cope better with the changes in your life.
Meditation – VortexHealing can also be used to take a meditator “deeper”, than s/he goes on her own. It’s a bit like “being meditated”, passive, instead of trying to meditate.
Reflection can come naturally in such a space of being held. You are still, silent and for an hour receiving nurturing and loving healing energy. It’s natural that you then also can look at your life situation from a more relaxed, accepting and wider perspective. The six events will evolve from starting with lots of integration and shorter meditations, towards lesser integration, and longer and longer meditations.
Personally I find this a great thing to do towards the end of the year.
There is space for up to ~20 partcipants. We'll meet at 8 pm CET (20U MEZ) for about 90 minutes. The schedule for the 6 events are:
- Wednesday the 29th of Nov
- Sunday the 3rd of Dec
- Wednesday the 6th of Dec
- Sunday the 10th of Dec
- Wednesday the 13th of Dec
- Sunday the 17th of Dec
The cost is € 97.- (for new participants) (equals ~17.- for each event). There will be no partial payment, and no refunds.
* I would like all clients of the last year, including from the other Small Series to be able to attend. So if money is an issue, please send me an email and suggest what you'd be able to pay.
To join, please read the section "Practicalities for all the series" further down on this page.