Why not get a Taste of VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, with the highest and newest set of healing tools I can offer, through this offer – three sessions, incl. personal evaluation for € 277.-
"A taste of ..." is a price reduced offer for you to get to know VortexHealing in it´s most direct, maybe raw form; the focus of these three sessions is: "what´s best and most optimal for you" - without any problem description, without any believes, worries and hopes of the mind. Even without any concerns for a desired outcome. In short, give yourself up to the higher intelligence of Divine Energy Healing. Try deep trust. Let yourself be carried and nurtured.
I offer "A taste of ..." after I´ve been through a deepening training in VortexHealing. The last bigger one was in May 2023. My basic training started in 2018. I am currently a VortexHealing® Practitioner at the level of Manifesting Intention. I also work with Angelic Heart (1+2+3+4) and Presence, can clear the Kundalini channel for you, work with Genetics and offer basic EarthWorks (as of summer 2023).
All you need to do is relax and receive!
It works well from a distance to wherever you are on the planet.
Please read what VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is about in general and what it can do for you (and not). This offer includes THREE remote session (phone or Zoom) of each ~70 minutes, with 60 min of active VortexHealing and a short evaluation & feedback talk, at a price of € 277,- (normally 297.-).
Same but different?
The difference between these price reduces offers and if you book (three) full session/s, are the intake and evaluation talks. A full & careful getting to know you in detail, which is very helpful when dealing with a variety of issues, ailments and potential causes, takes between 20 and 40 minutes and includes a three page Questionnaire. All this is extra time outside the actual active Divine Energy Healing. Also the pre-talks and evaluation / feedback talks after each session typically take up more time.
All this is not part of the "A taste of ...” offers, and the “ImmuneBoost” offers (like on this page), since these are already specified what the session/s will be about. These offers go more directly into the actual channeling of the Divine Energy Healing and has less talking. All sessions are of course always still tailor made for you.
Immune system
During the spring of 2020, the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic brought the Immune system into focus. We did several months of intense work on this.
If this is your interest, or if your are currently ill, or you like to make sure that your Immune System is cared for in depth, I suggest you look at these individual sessions, with one shorter or three full sessions: ImmuneBoost. It works well from a distance to wherever you are on the planet.
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